- Bugatti Trust Photo Archive 1 »
- Album 06 - Type 35 Part 2

Brooklands, JCC 200 miles race 15 October 1927 Car 6: Malcolm Campbell Type 39A behind Car 10: Dick Oates (OM 465)
Photo No: 311
Negative No: D1160_20
Type: 39A
People: Malcolm Campbell & Dick Oates
Location: Brooklands
Date: 15 October 1927
Album: 06

NOT TYPE 35: ?International Trophy 1934, Brooklands Possibly Rose-Richards on Type 51
Photo No: 312
Negative No: D1160_13
Type: 51
People: Rose-Richards
Location: Brooklands
Date: 1934
Album: 06

NOT TYPE 35: ?International Trophy 1934, Brooklands Possibly Lord Howe on Type 51
Photo No: 313
Negative No: D1160_18
Type: 51
People: Lord Howe
Location: Brooklands
Date: 1934
Album: 06

Brooklands ?1934
Photo No: 314
Negative No: D1160-14
Type: 35
Location: Brooklands
Date: 1934
Album: 06

Brooklands, start of 1927 JCC 200 miles
Photo No: 315
Negative No: D1180-17
Type: 35
Location: Brooklands
Date: 1927
Album: 06

Brooklands, British Grand Prix 1 October 1927, Emilio Materassi on Type 39A
Photo No: 317
Negative No: D1230_9
Type: 39A
People: Emilio Masterassi
Location: Brooklands, British Grand Prix
Date: 1 October 1927
Album: 06

Brooklands, JCC200 miles race 1927, Eyston leading an Amilcar
Photo No: 318
Negative No: D1265_3
Type: 35
People: Eyston
Location: Brooklands
Date: 1927
Album: 06

H W Papworth's, Fulham, London thought to be about 1928
Photo No: 319
Negative No: D1329_29
Type: 35
People: H W Papworth
Location: Fulham, London
Date: 1928
Album: 06

C Staniland, c1926 chassis # 4634 ?this car later went to Ireland
Photo No: 320
Negative No: D1262_3
Type: 35
Chassis No: #4634
People: C Staniland
Date: 1926
Album: 06

C Staniland, c1926 ?this car later went to Ireland
Photo No: 320
Negative No: D1262_3
Chassis No: 4634
People: C staniland
Date: c.1926
Album: 06

Brooklands, Type 35C with Type 51 quick release filler caps
Photo No: 321
Negative No: D1142_22
Type: 35C & 51
Location: Brooklands
Album: 06

Brooklands, Type 35C with Type 51 quick release filler caps (Mark Moriss comments - Could this be Earl Howe's Type 51 pre-side stripes
Photo No: 322
Negative No: D1142_23
Type: 35C & 51
People: Possibly Earl Howe
Location: Brooklands
Album: 06

Brooklands, (see photo 327 this could be the same car?)
Photo No: 323
Negative No: D1142_29
Type: 35
Location: Brooklands
Album: 06

Brooklands, ?200 miles race on 21 July 1928? Malcolm Campbell and Rivers Fletcher on Delage
Photo No: 324
Negative No: D1142_24
Type: 35
People: Malcolm Campbell & Rivers Fletcher
Location: Brooklands
Date: 21 July 1928
Album: 06

Montlhéry, Coupe des DAmes 1927, start. Car 1: Elizabeth Junek
Photo No: 325
Negative No: D1204_25
Type: 35
People: Elizabeth Junek
Location: Montlhéry, Coupe des Dames
Date: 1927
Album: 06

Possibly George Eyston, on Type 39A
Photo No: 326
Negative No: D1160-19
Type: 39A
People: Possibly George Eyston
Album: 06

Brooklands, JCC 200 Miles race 15 October 1927 George Eyston Type 39A (115.5 mph rPhoto No: 327
Negative No: D1074_35
Type: 39A
People: George Eyston
Location: Brooklands
Date: 15 October 1927
Album: 06ecord in the 1 1/2 litre class)

Brooklands, JCC 200 Miles race 15 October 1927 Malcolm Campbell on Type 39A - winner
Photo No: 328
Negative No: D1074_26
Type: 39A
People: Malcolm Campbell
Location: Brooklands
Date: 15 October 1927
Album: 06

Brooklands JCC 200 Miles race 15 October 1927 Malcolm Campbell on Type 39A - winner
Photo No: 329
Negative No: D1075_10
Type: 39A
People: Malcolm Campbell
Location: Brooklands
Date: 15 October 1927
Album: 06

Montlhéry, Coupe des Dames, 1927, Elizabeth Junek
Photo No: 330
Negative No: D1074_34
Type: 35
People: Elizabeth Junek
Location: Montlhéry, Coupe des Dames
Date: 1927
Album: 06