- Bugatti Trust Photo Archive 1 »
- Album 07 - Type 35/36/39

Emil Bremme,. The owner had the GP body changed for this coachwork by Bachman of Wuppertal. Carl Bremme Brewery, Albert Street 48, 42289 Wuppertal in the south of the Ruhr area of Germany.
Photo No: 247A
Negative No: SC0583
Chassis No: 4842
Reg: IY 21166
People: Emil Bremme
Location: Carl Bremme Brewery, Germany
Album: 7

Emil Bremme. The owner had the GP body changed for this coachwork by Bachman of Wuppertal. Carl Bremme Brewery, Albert Street 48, 42289 Wuppertal in the south of the Ruhr area of Germany.
Photo No: 248A
Negative No: SC0584
Chassis No: 4842
Reg: IY 21166
People: Emil Bremme
Location: Carl Bremme Brewery, Germany
Album: 7

Jeff Watson, Type 35C pre-war
Photo No: 249
Negative No: D1079_20
Type: 35C
Chassis No: 4893
Engine No: 115
People: Jeff Watson
Date: Pre war
Album: 7

Photo No: 251
Negative No: D1055_6
People: Peter Reece
Location: Rhydywyn Speed Trials
Date: 1950
Album: 7

Silverstone, 2 July 1949, T35B, . J C Byrom. James in 12 cylinder Sunbeam behind.
Photo No: 251A
Negative No: SC0543
Type: 35B
Chassis No: 4965
People: J C Byrom
Location: Silverstone
Date: 2 July 1949
Album: 7

Pietermaritzburg coronation handicap 1954. Eddie Hall 2nd
from right,
Photo No: 252A
Negative No: SC0570
People: Eddie Hall
Location: Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
Date: 1954
Album: 7 who also competed.

Prescott Hill Climb, June 1950, Peter Mould Type 35C
Photo No: 254
Negative No: D1056_14
Type: 25C
People: Peter Mould
Location: Prescott Hill Climb
Date: June 1950
Album: 7

Bugatti Type 35B next to Alfa Romeo
Photo No: 255
Negative No: D1057_13
Type: 35B
Reg: DYO 308
Album: 7

Prescott Hill Climb Start line, 18 July 1948, Car 84: Peter Stubberfield, Type 35B. Starter - R H Ashby, Monica Whincop, Major Peter Vaughan With pipe, Peter Stubberfield’s brother in check shirt. Also in picture - Stirling Moss, Lord Howe & Louis Klemantask
Photo No: 256
Negative No: D1170_4
Type: 35B
People: Peter Stubberfield, Stirling Moss, Lord Howe, Louis Klemantaski
Location: Prescott Hill Climb
Date: 18 July 1948
Album: 7

Photo No: 256A
Negative No: D1242_9
Type: 35B
People: T S Fotheringham
Location: Shelsley Walsh
Album: 7

Bo’Ness, 28 June 1952, Mrs Doreen Fielding in Ray Fielding’s Type 35 (3rd best time 45.09secs)
Photo No: 257
Negative No: D1169_19
Type: 35
People: Mrs Doreen Fielding
Location: Bo'Mess
Date: 28 June 1952
Album: 7