- Bugatti Trust Photo Archive 1 »
- Album 10 - Type 40

Prince Gustav de Croy, Belgium
Photo No: 188A
Negative No: D1275_3
Type: 40
Chassis No: 40775
Reg: 144 W71
Location: Belgium
Album: 10

Photo: Guy Griffiths 29 April 1950
Photo No: 189
Negative No: D1152_34
Type: 40
Chassis No: 40483
Reg: MMA 572
Date: 29 April 1950
Album: 10

Prince Gustav de Croy, Belgium
Photo No: 189A
Negative No: D1275_4
Type: 40
Chassis No: 40775
Reg: 144 W71
Location: Belgium
Album: 10

T40 special GP type body early post-war 3 July 1938? Prescott. Peacey.
Photo No: 190
Negative No: D1188_30
Type: 40
People: Peacey
Location: Prescott.
Date: 3 July 1938 ?
Album: 10

T37 style body (J Lodwig, Buenos Aires)
Photo No: 191A
Negative No: D1275_8
Type: 40
Chassis No: 40377
Location: Buenos Aires
Album: 10

ALP 6 International Prescott 9 September 1951 KB Lee followed by L Blackburn T51 and Rivers Fletcher T35
Photo No: 192
Negative No: D1172_7
Type: 40
Reg: ALP 6
People: KB Lee, L Blackburn, Rivers Fletcher
Location: Prescott
Date: 9 September 1951
Album: 10

Photo No: 192A
Negative No: D1284_15
Type: 40
Chassis No: 40469
Location: Denmark
Date: 1980
Album: 10

Michael Burns driving Reg: ?MW 5884 12 June 1949
Photo No: 193
Negative No: D1171_1
Type: 40
Reg: MW 5884
Date: 12 June 1949
Album: 10

Denmark, 1980, prior to restoration
Photo No: 193A
Negative No: D1284_16
Type: 40
Location: Denmark
Date: 1980
Album: 10

Photo No: 194A
Negative No: D1266_32
Type: 40
Chassis No: 40193
Location: USA
Date: June 1984
Album: 10

International Meeting, Prescott 1963 Dr. Granoff
Photo No: 195
Negative No: D1200_5
Type: 40
Location: Prescott
Date: 1963
Album: 10

Photo No: 195A
Negative No: D1266_33
Type: 40
Chassis No: 40193
Location: USA
Date: June 1984
Album: 10

One of the first T40 models using Brescia T23 frame-Molsheim
Photo No: 169
Negative No: D1086
Type: 40
Location: Molsheim
Album: 10

T40 ready for road test (the car was to be 3rd prize for the Bugatti GP at le Mans, 1928) won by Zehender
Photo No: 197
Negative No: D1086_8
Type: 40
Album: 10

J Dotto(?) Fontaine, France. 1974.
Photo No: 201
Negative No: D1203_3
Type: 40
Chassis No: 40813
Location: Fontaine, France.
Date: 1974
Album: 10

Extracts from 'Auto' magazine 27 June 1929. car as shown in pictures 75, 105A
Photo No: 202
Negative No: D1283_34
Type: 40
Date: 27 June 1929
Album: 10

Extracts from 'Auto' magazine 27 June 1929. car as shown in pictures 75, 105A
Photo No: 203
Negative No: D1283_32
Type: 40
Date: 27 June 1929
Album: 10